Rapture is up to no good again. Though luckily for you, today she's going to go easy and show off a new pair of panties she got her hands on.
That dick. Get it out. Start to stroke it. We both love it when you cum during my jerkoff instructional videos - so stop pretending like you don't want this and get to work. Anyway, let me talk about these panties. They're silky smooth, feel great around my ass and, when you look at them from behind, well - you'll just have to wait and see.
There you go. How incredible is my ass in these black panties? They ride straight up my ass and the soft, peachy skin is ready to be spanked. Speaking of spanking, I sure hope that your cock is ready to cum soon. I'm tempted to take these panties off and wrap them around your shaft so that you can jerk off with them. Think that would be hot for you?
- Rapture